返信先: about emofuri (英語でごめん)

main BBS フォーラム キャラクター作成系Q&A about emofuri (英語でごめん) 返信先: about emofuri (英語でごめん)


Hello rin!
Thanks for your inquiry, and we’re glad to see interest in E-mote and Emofuri from around the world.

You can use emofuri on ero scenes for erogames.

Emofuri can be used for commercial purposes as long as you are using it as an individual or a hobbyist, and aren’t part of a company. This includes personal commissions you make as an individual or small scale group projects. If you make more than ten million yen a year with these activities, you qualify as a company, rather than an individual or hobbyist.

Thanks for asking, and thank you for your interest.